The front desk phone is still 864-4390, although Lawrence has now moved into the 785 area code.
The current Arts Program Coordinator is Erin Jones.
For those of you who have been away for a while, there are some changes:
Physical and Daily Life Changes
Hashinger is now coed by wing, rather than by floor.
(Of course some early residents will remember when Hashinger was an all-womens dorm.)
The cost (2003-2004) for living in Hashinger is $2594 per person for a double occupancy,
$3434 for a single. These rates include the $96/year premium for the creative arts program,
but do not include meals costs. The Daisy Hill residence halls now share a dining commons
(Mrs. E's) in Lewis Hall, and the dining kitchen in Hashinger is now "E's Express",
providing residents with food to go, and a convenience store called "Munch E's".
A choice of meal plans are offered.
The hall is well prepared for the computer age, with each room wired for internet access.
The University has been renovating the residence halls one by one, and making some
changes along the way. The halls that have already gone through major renovation now offer a
variety of options, including (depending on hall) quad suites or 2-person rooms with bath,
2-person suites, single with bath, and 2-person studio, at prices ranging from $3060 to
$3898 per person for 2003-2004.
While Ellsworth Hall was being renovated, a large chunk of the Hashinger side lobby became
staff space for a complex director who oversees the staff of both residence halls.
The Arts Program Coordinator's office is now in what was the theatre green room.
Change is continuing, with the big change coming after next year, when Hashinger
will be gutted for its turn at major renovation.
Arts Changes
The theatre has seen some improvements, although the "house lights" in the theatre are still surrounded by the large curved reflectors. While the reflectors don't reflect light (having been painted black), they still reflect sound creating odd echo spots just like they used to.
Some traditions continue: Sneaky Pete's, Spring Arts Week, guest artists, etc.
But for several years Hashinger went without a spring or fall play or musical, and there
is not currently a Hash Choir. Some other new traditions have sprung up, though. I'll wait
for more input from current residents to describe those.